EFUG presentations sorted by topic (since 2000)
All EFUG programs since 1998
FIB reviews
Precise Ion and Electron Beam processing for Nano-structuring (EFUG2004)
Regina Kortner, Hans Loeschner and Elmar Platzgummer, IMS Nanofabrication, Vienna, Austria
The Quest for Ultimate Patterning Tools and Techniques – Focused Ion Beams: Status Future Applications and New Ideas (EFUG2007)
Jacques Gierak, Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures, CNRS Marcoussis, France
EFUG: Back in Holland (EFUG2008)
H. Roberts, B. Otterloo, NXP Semiconductors, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Ion beam interactions during FIBbing (EFUG2009)
Hugo Bender, IMEC, Belgium
FIB applications in the nano-technology world (EFUG2013)
Hugo Bender, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium
FIB process and Instrumentation
Mass separated Focused Ion Beams using alloy Liquid Metal Ion Sources (EFUG2000)
L. Bischoff, Ch. Akhmadaliev and J. Teichert, Research Centre Rossendorf Inc., Dresden, Germany
Gallium Artefacts on FIB-milled Silicon Samples (EFUG2004)
Joachim C. Reiner, Philipp Nellen, Urs Sennhauser, EMPA, Dübendorf, Switzerland
- Low Energy Ion Beam
Preparation: Applications and Ga-Contamination (EFUG2007)
Lutz Hillmann, Uwe Mühle, Jens Steinhoff, Qimonda, Dresden, Germany
Realistic 3-D semiconductor models used during cross section, TEM
sample preparation, and circuit edit design (EFUG2006)
M. Weschler, J. Van Kuijk, Coventor, Inc., Cary, USA
Innovative CrossBeam Applications in Semiconductor Industry (EFUG2007)
Heiko Stegmann, Carl Zeiss NTS GmbH, Dresden, Germany.
FIB Milling Applications for the New HyperionTM Ion Source (EFUG2008)
N. Smith, P. Tesch, N. Martin, Oregon Physics LLC, Hillsboro, Oregon, USA ; K. Filter, Semion, Hillsboro, Oregon, USA
; R. Boswell, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
- Lithography and deposition with a sub-nanometer focused helium beam, Part 2,
Part 3 (EFUG2009)
Paul Alkemade, Vadim Sidorkin, Emile van Veldhoven, Ping Chen, Emile van der Drift, Huub Salemink, Diederik Maas, TU Delft, The Netherlands .
- Methods for Quantifying “Milling Acuity” (EFUG2009)
Chad Rue, FEI
- Mass filter FIB and Gallium free applications (EFUG2009)
B. Rasser, A. Delobbe, Orsay Physics, Fuveau, France
- Non-Gallium Applications for Circuit Edit and Failure Analysis (EFUG2010)
Chad Rue, FEI, Hilsboro, US
- SemGlu - A vacuum adhesive for nanoassembly and materials characterisation in FIB systems (EFUG2010)
Andrew Smith, Andreas Rummel, Stephan Kleindiek, Kleindiek Nanotechnik, Germany
- Image Processing, Quantification and Model Reconstruction in SEM/FIB - case studies
Daniel Lichau, Visualization Science Group, Bordeaux, France
- Direct determination of forward sputtering rates and redeposition for Focused Ion Beam milling
Markus Schinnerl, Bernhard Basnar, Alois Lugstein, Emmerich Bertagnolli, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Ion Beam Lithography
next generation nanofabrication (EFUG2011)
Lloyd Peto, Raith GmbH, Dortmund, Germany
Anne Delobbe, Olivier Salord, Pierre Sudraud, Orsay Physics, France
Material property characterization and modelling from FIB/SEM nanoscale 3D imaging (EFUG2011)
Daniel Lichau, V S G - Visualization Sciences Group, Bordeaux, France
Reaching all angles - a new five-axis piezo substage (EFUG2011)
Andrew J. Smith, Andreas Rummel, Klaus Schock Stephan Kleindiek, Kleindiek Nanotechnik, Germany
FIB contribution for technological analysis : FIB channelling ion contrast and FIB-EBIC (EFUG2011)
Hélène Chauvin, Gérald Guibaud, THALES ; Moreno Floris, Guy Perez, Florie Mialhe, Philippe Perdu, CNES, Toulouse, France
Give your microscope a hand, Recent advances in handling & chracterizing materials and electronics from micro to nano scale (EFUG2012)
A. Smith, A. Rummel, K. Schockand, S. Kleindiek, Kleindiek Nanotechnik, Germany
Helium Ion Microscopy (EFUG2012)
P. Gnauck, Carl-Zeiss, Oberkoche, Germany
3D EBIC Tomography by FIB (EFUG2012)
S. Podda1, E. Musu1, M.Vanzi2,
1 Sardegna Ricerche – Lac. Piscinamanna Ed3. Pula (CA) ;
2 Università degli studi di Cagliari – Piazza D’Armi – Cagliari - Italy
3D FIB-SEM image segmentation and advanced characterization (EFUG2012)
D. Lichau, VSG, Bordeaux, France
Universal pattern generating system for fib applications (EFUG2013)
Alexey S. Kolomiytsev, Oleg A. Ageev, Vladimir A. Smirnov, Southern Federal University, Russia
Efficient Sample Prep Workflow with a New Cleaving Methodology (EFUG2015)
Efrat Moyal, LatticeGear
Surface redeposition and damage due to Focused ion beam milling (EFUG2015)
H. Bender, A. Franquet, C. Drijbooms, B. Parmentier, W. Vandervorst, L. Kwakman*,
Imec, Leuven, Belgium, *FEI Company, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Ga contamination in silicon by focused ion beam milling: Atom Probe Tomography and simulation with dynamic model (EFUG2016)
Jin Huang, TU Dresden
Laser based sample preparation for advanced packaging applications (EFUG2016)
Thomas Höche, Fraunhofer IMWS
Pico-second laser and broad argon beam tools for characterization of advanced packages and devices (EFUG2017)
Vincent Richard, M. Hassel Shearer, Gatan, France
ColdFIB - a FIB column with a laser cooled source (EFUG2017)
Morgan Reveillard, Matthieu Viteau, Anne Delobbe, Arnaud Houel, Daniel Comparat, Orsay Physics, France
FIB gas assisted processing
Advanced Gas Delivery Approach for Focused Particle Beam System (EFUG2004)
Valery Ray, Particle Beam Systems &Technology, Methuen, Massachusetts, USA
Recipe Development Considerations for Focused Ion Beam Gas Assisted Etching (FIB GAE) (EFUG2004)
Valery Ray, Particle Beam Systems &Technology, Methuen, USA
Performing E-Beam Induced Gas Assisted Etching with a Dual-Beam FIB (EFUG2001)
J. Gstöttner, Ch. Stepper, D. Schmitt-Landsiedel, TU München, Germany
Evolution of Tungsten Film Deposition Induced by Focused Ion Beam (EFUG2002)
H. Langfischer, B. Basnar and E. Bertagnolli, Institute for Solid State Electronics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Ion- and Electron Beam Induced Deposits of Pt, W, and Co: Composition, Volume per Dose and Electrical Transport Properties (EFUG2007)
A. Fernández-Pacheco, R. Córdoba, J. M. De Teresa, M.R. Ibarra, O. Montero, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Electrical characterization of FIB-deposited (EFUG2006)
B. Volbert, Namitec, Eindhoven
Is E-beam Pt a good protective layer ? (EFUG2005)
Hugo Bender, IMEC, Belgium
Artefacts during e-beam deposition of Pt and W (EFUG2007)
Hugo Bender, IMEC, Belgium
Measurement of FIB SiO2 deposition by optical beam induced current (EFUG2003)
Alex Krechmer, Neil Bassom, FEI Company, Peabody, USA .
Customization of Water-Vapour-Assisted FIB Milling on Diamond Technology (EFUG2008)
S. Magni, A.S. Campbell, E. Gregoryanz, School of Physics and Astronomy, Edinburgh, Great Britain .
Higher Resistivity Dielectric (EFUG2008)
V.V. Makarov, T. Malik, R. Jain, T. Lundquist, DCG Systems, USA
- Novel Dielectric Etch Solution for FIB Circuit Edit: Application for Editing Memory Devices with Tungsten Metallization (EUG2009)
Vladimir V. Makarov, Tiza Lab, LLC, Milpitas, CA , USA
“Free of Charge” FIB Circuit Edit of ICs on 40nm Node (EFUG2012)
Valery Ray, PBS&T, MEO Engineering Co., Inc. USA
Circuit editing
FIB process optimisation for complex integrated circuits modification (EFUG2000)
E. Auvray, SERMA Technologies, Saint Egrève, France
Through Silicon Editing (EFUG2002)
Ted Lundquist, Mark Thompson, Erwan Le Roy and Bill Thompson, NPTest Probe Systems
New Processes for FIB backside Approach (EFUG2003)
Christian Boit, Berlin University of Technology, Germany, Kristin R. Wirth, ESA, Noordwijk, Netherlands and Erwan LeRoy, NPTest, San Jose CA, USA
Backside Circuit Edit on Device Level - New Methodologies of Contacting Circuit Nodes for recent and future Circuit Edit (EFUG2006)
R. Schlangen, U. Kerst, C. Boit, R. Jain, T. Malik, T. Lundquist, TU-Berlin, HLB, and Credence
Etching the Copper and not the Dielectric (EFUG2003)
T. Lundquist, J-P Roux and VV Makarov, NPTest Inc., San Jose, USA
Circuit Edit : Imaging and Endpoint beyond 130 nm (EFUG2002)
V. Ray, FEI, Peabody, USA
FIB Materials and Processes for High Aspect Ratio Circuit Edit (EFUG2003)
Valery Ray, Nicholas Antoniou, Neil Bassom, Huynh Chuong, Tom Gannon, FEI Company, Peabody, USA
Stage Current Monitoring and Endpointing of Via Milling and Deposition Processes in FIB Circuit Modification (EFUG2003)
Valery Ray, Nicolas Antoniou, FEI Company, Peabody, USA
Advanced Image Processing for Improved Visualization and Endpoint Detection (EFUG2007)
T. Lundquist, D. Renard, R. Jain, M. Phaneuf and K. Lagarec, Credence Systems and Fibics
Processing of Secondary Electron Endpoint Information (EFUG2006)
Valery Ray, Particle Beam Systems, Methuen, USA
Milling High Aspect Ratio (HAR) Holes in Dielectrics (EFUG2005)
VV Makarov, RK Jain and Ted Lundquist, Credence Systems Corp., Milpitas CA
High-Throughput Via Milling with Concentrated Gas Delivery (EFUG2005)
Valery Ray, Particle Beam Systems and Technology, Methuen, MA, USA
Removing Aluminum Cap in 90 nm Copper Technology (EFUG2006)
M. Nobile and D. Renard, ST Agrate, Credence DCG
Repeatability for probing first metal layers from top surface - CMOS65nm technology (EFUG2007)
Didier Renard Ted Lundquist, Jean-Philippe Roux,Flore Persin and Sylvain Crelerot, Credence Systems Corporation, USA, and ST microelectronics
Improvements to support navigation and access in the field of FIB device modification (EFUG2006)
Siegfried Pauthner, Infineon Technologies AG, Munich, Germany
Issues to Address for Improved Circuit Edit Productivity
Ted Lundquist, Credence Systems Corporation, USA
Using SEMulator3D Software for Circuit Edit Work Planning
Chris Kennedy, Coventor, Cary, NC, USA
Backside Circuit Edit on Full-Thickness Silicon Devices (EFUG2008)
C. Rue, FEI Company, Hillsboro, Oregon, USA ; S. Herschbein, C. Scrudato, IBM Corporation, East Fishkill, NY, USA
- Circuit edit through copper power plane with halogen (EFUG2010)
Lorenzo Motta, STMicroelectronics, Italy
- Circuit edit through copper power plane with halogen (EFUG2010)
L. Motta, D DiDonato, STMicroelectronics, Italy and Sector Technologies, France
Full Thickness Silicon Circuit Edits Simplified using Real Time in- situ Optics (EFUG2011)
M. Antolik, R. Cumming, H. Tanaka, R. Jain, DCG Systems ; Donato DiDonato, Sector Technologies
Improving the efficiency of circuit edit (EFUG2011)
David Donnet, Kimball Skinner, Surendra Madala, Chad Rue and Pete Carleson, FEI Company
Package level editing with plasma FIB technology (EFUG2012)
D. Donnet, FEI, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Localised FIB Deprocessing on Advanced Process Technologies (EFUG2013)
David Donnet, Oleg Sidorov, Pete Carleson, Chad Rue and Surendra Madala, FEI Company 5350 NE Dawson Creek Drive, Hillsboro, USA
- Presentation Extending Dualbeam Applications with the Helios PFIB (EFUG2014)
David Donnet, FEI
Gas Assisted Plasma FIB Delayering of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (EFUG2015)
David Donnet, T. Landin, O. Sidorov, C. Rue, R. Alvis, FEI Company, Hillsboro, USA
Failure analysis
- IC Passive Component Modification Using FIB (EFUG2001)
B. Domenges, B. Feron, J.-P. Gaslonde, H. Murray, Philips Semiconductors, Caen, France
FIB Assisted Localisation and Preparation of Gate Oxide Fails (EFUG2002)
R. Rosenkranz, Infineon Technologies Dresden, Germany
Fast images of FIB x-sections using a CFESEM with BSE-TTL-detection (EFUG2004)
Klaus Reischle, Klaus Burger, ATMEL, Germany
FIB Voltage Contrast for Failure Localisation on CMOS Circuits (EFUG2004)
Ruediger Rosenkranz, Infineon Technologies Dresden, Germany
Application of FIB in Physical Failure Analysis (EFUG2005)
Ruediger Rosenkranz, Infineon Technologies Dresden, Germany
New FA Opportunities with Ultra Thin Silicon (EFUG2007)
R. Schlangen, U Kerst, C. Boit, S. Schömann, B. Krüger, R. Jain, T. Malik, T. Lundquist, Berlin University of Technology, Infineon Technologies, Munich, Germany and Credence DCG, Sunnyvale, USA
- Structural analysis of through silicon vias (TSV) (EFUG2010)
Hugo Bender, Chris Drijbooms, Patricia Van Marcke, Jef Geypen, Olivier Richard, Paola Favia, IMEC, Belgium
- FIB for optoelectronics failure analysis (EFUG2010)
Gérald Guibaud, Hélène Chauvin, Vanessa Chazal, Guy Perez, Kevin Sanchez, Philippe Perdu, Thales and CNES, France
Preparation on 3D interconnects - FA work flow for shorted Cu/Sn-Cu Bondings (EFUG2011)
Jens Beyersdorfer, Frank Altmann,Christian Große, Susanne Hübner,
Michél Simon-Najasek, Andreas Graff,Diagnostic of Semiconductor Technologies,
Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Halle, Germany
Site-specific Physical Failure Analysis of 3D Systems using “Plasma” FIB (EFUG2011)
Remco Geurts, P.D. Carleson, R.J. Young, R. Routh, C. Rue, G. Franz and L.F.Tz. Kwakman,FEI Company
FIB Memory Invasive Fault Injection for software qualification (EFUG2011)
Maria Mazurek, Simon Brule, Thomas Zirilli, Freescale Semiconductor Toulouse ;
Hélène Chauvin, Vanessa Chazal, Fabien Battistella, Philippe Perdu, THALES / CNES ;
Didier Renard, Sector Technologies
FIB/SEM structural analysis of Through-Silicon-Vias (TSV) (EFUG2011)
Hugo Bender, Chris Drijbooms, Alex Radisic, imec, Leuven, Belgium
Failure Analysis in FIB/SEM - Locating Failures and performing Nanoprobing in situ (EFUG2015)
Matthias Kemmler, A. Rummel, K. Schock, S, Kleindiek, Kleindiek Nanotechnik, Reutlingen, Germany
FIB device surgery for noise reduction in InGaAs/InP SPAD Arrays (EFUG2015)
Lorenzo Motta, C. Savoia, N. Calandri, M. Sanzaro, A. Tosi, STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza, Italy
In-situ delayering and nanoprobing for streamlined failure analysis (EFUG2017)
Andrew J. Smith, Andreas Rummerl, Klaus Schock, Matthias Kemmler, Kleindiek Nanotechnik, Germany ; Tomas Hrncir, Gregory Goupil, Sharang, Marek Sikula, Stephan Kleindiek, Tescan Orsay Holding, Brno
Combination of precise laser and FIB milling for TEM based IC failure analysis (EFUG2017)
Frank Altmann, Michel Simon-Najasek, Susanne Hübner, Mickael Lejoueux, Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems, Halle, Germany
TEM sample preparation
TEM specimen preparation by focused ion beam sputtering – optimisation of the process (EFUG2000)
B. Köhler, G. Irmer, L. Bischoff and J. Teichert, Fraunhofer IZFP/EADQ Dresden, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Dresden
FIB-TEM Sample Preparation by In-Situ Lift Out Technique (EFUG2001)
H. Roberts and B. Otterloo, Philips Semiconductors, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
In-situ Lift-Out of TEM-Lamellae using a Compact and Precise Micromanipulator (EFUG2002)
Claus Burkhardt, Stephan Kleindiek, Peter Gnauck, Johannes Bihr, Wilfried Nisch, Naturwissenschafliches und Medizinisches Institut, Reutlingen, Germany, Kleindiek Nanotechnik GmBH, Reutlingen, Germany and LEO Elektronenmikroskopie GmbH, Oberkochen, Germany
Examples of FIB-TEM sample preparation by in-situ lift out technique (EFUG2002)
Harry Roberts, David Donnet, Bert Otterloo and Ann De Veirman, Philips Semiconductors, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Novel FIB-based sample Preparation Technique for TEM Analysis of Ultra-Thin Gate Oxide Breakdown (EFUG2002)
J. Reiner, Ph. Gasser, U. Sennhauser, EMPA, Dübendorf, Switzerland
In-situ plucker system for preparation of TEM samples by FIB: new applications, future prospects and challenges (EFUG2003)
A. Benedetti, H. Bender, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium.
Dual Beam FIB/SEM-STEM : the missing link between SEM and TEM (EFUG2004)
Hélène Jousset and Paul-Henri Albarede, Altis Semiconductor, Corbeil-Essonnes, France
- Triple Beam for TEM sample preparation (EFUG2005)
Toshiaki Fujii, Haruo Takahashi, SII NanoTechnology Inc., Japan
Use of the ASCEND Xtreme Access manipulator for TEM specimen lift out (EFUG2006)
C. Große, M. Simon, F. Altmann, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Halle
Mechanical Conversion for High Through-Put TEM Sample Preparation (EFUG2006)
T. Kendrick, T. Moore, L. Zaykova-Feldman SEM-FIB Solutions
FIB induced damages of SEM/TEM samples of semiconductor devices (EFUG2000)
E. Langer, H.-J. Engelmann, B. Volkmann and E. Zschech, AMD Saxony Manufacturing GmbH, Dresden, Germany
Some observations on the corrosion of Cu after FIB preparation (EFUG2004)
Hugo Bender, O. Richard, A. Benedetti, P. Van Marcke, C. Drijbooms, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium
A methodology to reduce artefacts during TEM sample preparation using FIB (EFUG2006)
A. Collantes, Failure Analysis Infineon Technologies AG, Munich, Germany.
FIB applications off the beaten path: TEM plan-view sample preparation using circuit-edit tools (EFUG2008)
F. Voogt, NXP Semiconductors Nijmegen, The Netherlands .
On the gallium accumulation at the boundaries of Al layers in FIB prepared TEM specimens (EFUG2008)
H. Bender, IMEC, Belgium
Method for improving FIB prepared TEM samples by very low energy Ar+ ion mill polishing (EFUG2010)
Yaron Kauffmann, Tzipi Cohen-Hyams, Michael Kalina, Hila Sadan-Metlzman and Wayne D. Kaplan, Tecnion, Haifa, Israel
- FIB target preparation for 20 kV (S)TEM - A new method for obtaining ultra-thin lamellas (EFUG2010)
Lorenz Lechner, J. Biskupek, U. Kaiser, Ulm University, Germany
Advanced FIB sample preparation for high performance TEM analysis (EFUG2011)
Michél Simon-Najasek, Susanne Hübner, Frank Altmann, Christian Große, Roland
Salzer, Andreas Graff, Diagnostic of Semiconductor Technologies,
Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Halle, Germany.
FIB/TEM analysis of Si/Ge/Sn alloys:results, problems and perspectives (EFUG2012)
A. Benedetti, *S. Stefanov, *J. Serra, * P. Gonzàlez,*S. Chiussi,
CACTI, University of Vigo ;
*New Materials Group, University of Vigo, Spain
Problems and solutions when using FIB to prep nanostructures for TEM (EFUG2015)
Filip Lenrick, Lund University
Plan-view specimen preparation of device structures with FIB (EFUG2015)
P. Van Marcke, H. Bender, O. Richard, P. Favia, Imec, Leuven, Belgium
Fast, Reliable, Intuitive TEM Sample Preparation using a Load-Lockable Platform Combined with Smart Control Software (EFUG2016)
Stephan Kleindiek, Kleindiek Nanotechnik GmbH
FIB automation for TEM prep and tool maintenance (EFUG2017)
Valerie Brogden, ThermoFisher Scientific, The Netherlands
Materials analysis
Spatial and Special FIB application: The debris issue (EFUG2000)
Ch. Durin and Ph. Perdu, CNES, Toulouse, France
Chemical analysis on Focused Ion Beam cross-sections by scanning Auger microscopy (EFUG2001)
H. Bender, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium
Orientation Imaging Microscopy Applications in Cu-Interconnects and Cu-Cu Wire Bonding (EFUG2002)
P. Ratchev, L. Carbonell, H.M. Ho, H. Bender, I. De Wolf, B. Verlinden, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium
Looking below the surface using Ion Beam and DualBeam Techniques (EFUG2002)
Dirk van der Wal, H. Mulders, FEI, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Multi Layer and Micro Graded Stress Analysis (EFUG2007)
Richard Langford, Xiaofeng Zhou, Christopher Gill, Joe Keller, Toby Ayers, Philip Withers, Materials Science Centre, Manchester University, UK
FIB slicing and imaging of palaeopalynological remains: a 3D inside look into the past
A.Benedetti, J. Mendez, J. B. Diez, U. Villanueva-Amadoz, L. M. Sender, Universidad de Vijo, Spain
SEM/FIB with TOF-SIMS: Introduction and Application Examples
James Whitby, Deborah Alberts and Johann Michler Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and
Technology, Laboratory for Mechanics of Materials and Nanostructure, Switzerland
Measurement of residual stress by focused ion beam milling (EFUG2013)
Marco Sebastiani, Department of Engineering University "Roma Tre", Rome, Italy
Micro and nanostructuring
Application of a Focused Ion Beam System to the Micromachining of 3-D Shapes (EFUG2000)
R. M. Langford, A. K. Petford-Long and S. Egelkamp, Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, Soft Imaging Systems, Münster, Germany
FIB Based Micro Fabrication Technique for a Novel Type of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Probes (EFUG2000)
A. Lugstein, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
FIB modification of AFM tips for electrochemical applications (EFUG2003)
G.C. Gazzadi, C. Menozzi, P. Facci and S. Frabboni, INFM National Research Center on nanoStructures and bioSystems at Surfaces (S3), Modena, Italy
CoSi2 nano – wires synthesized by FIB processing (EFUG2004)
L. Bischoff, B. Schmidt, C. Akhmadaliev, and L. Röntzsch, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany
Exotic application of FIB : magneto-resistive sensor modification (EFUG2002)
B. Domenges, O. Crepel, C. Goupil, Philips Semiconductors, Caen, France
Focused Ion Beam Microstructuring (EFUG2004)
Rolf Brönniman, Philipp M. Nellen, Joachim C. Reiner, Stephan Meier, Pascal Jud, Andreas Beu, EMPA, Dübendorf, Switzerland
Dual Beam approach to fabrication of sub-20nm gap nanoelectrodes (EFUG2004)
Gian Carlo Gazzadi and S. Frabboni, Università di Modena, Modena, Italy
Morphological study of submicron elements FIB-patterned on ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic Fe/NiO layers (EFUG2004)
G.C. Gazzadi, P. Luches, S. F. Contri, A. di Bona, S. Valeri, INMF and Università di Modena, Modena, Italy
FIB Milling of Photonic Nanostructures (EFUG2007)
Tim Thomay, University of Konstanz, Germany
- Combination of FIB and Conventional Processes in Microelectronics (EFUG2009)
Tzipi Cohen-Hyam s, Elad Peer, Uri Sivan and Wayne D. Kaplan, Technion, Haifa, Israel
- FIB processing of the NiTiCu shape memory alloy and Nanotweezers controllable operation in the environment of FIB device (EFUG2009)
A.Irzhak, V.Koledov, V. Shavrov, S. von Gratowski, D.Zakharov, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
- FIB production of shape memory alloy nano-gripper for FIB-application (EFUG2010)
V.V. Koledov, A.Irzhak, S.V. von Gratowski, V.G. Shavrov, D.Zakharov, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
- Focused Ion Beam electrode patterning for nanostructured material-based chemical gas sensor
Vera La Ferrara, B. Alfano, G. Fiorentino, M. Miglietta, E. Massera, T. Polichetti, G.Di Francia, ENEA, Italy
- Nanoimprinted metallic probe demonstrators for electrical scanning probe microscopy: Manufacturing, characterization and application
Joachim Jambreck, V. Yanev, H. Schmitt, M. Rommel, A. J. Bauer, L. Frey, Fraunhofer, Germany
Fabrication of Nano Scale Single Crystalline Diamond Tools by Focused Ion Beam (EFUG2011)
Jining Sun, Xichun Luo, James Ritchie, and Wenlong Chang,Heriot–Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Deterministic fabrication of reflective mirror on an optical fibre (EFUG2012)
Jining Sun, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
SPM probe modification using Focused Ion Beam (EFUG2013)
Alexey S. Kolomiytsev, Oleg A. Ageev, Vladimir A. Smirnov, Southern Federal University, Russia
Bio and soft materials
FIB in Life Sciences (EFUG2002)
Monica Ballerini, Marziale Milani, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca,Milano, Italy
FIBs and Soft materials (EFUG2007)
Marziale Milani, University Milano, Milano, Italy .
New FIB Processing Concept for Nanocarbons (EFUG2008)
L.G. Lechner, Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University, Finland
Preparation of high quality nanopores for successful nanobiology experiments (EFUG2009)
E. Bourhis, J. Gierak, A. Oukhaled, A. Madouri, G. Patriarche, B. Schiedt, L. Auvray, LPN/CNRS, Marcoussis, France
Designing platinum features to mimic protein channels (EFUG2011)
Stefano Pagliara, Catalin Chimerel, Richard Langford, Dirk G.A. L. Aarts, Ulrich F. Keyser
Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge and Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, UK
FIB Micro/Nano fabrication of silicon master for biomedical applications
G. Firpo, L. Repetto, E. Angeli, P. Fanzio, P.Guida, V. Ierardi, C. Manneschi, V. Mussi, U. Valbusa
Nanomed lab, Dipartimento di Fisica - Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy
In situ Mechanical Measurements to Access the Effects of Bioglass on
Dentin and Enamel Surfaces. (EFUG2012)
M. Payne, University Cambridge, UK
Contact : European FIB Users Group