15th European FIB Users Group Meeting (EFUG2011)
Programme and presentations
Monday 3 October 2011, Bordeaux, France.
Oral presentations
- 15 years of playing with a FIB: Sample preparation and micromachining
Richard Langford, Cavendish Lab, Cambridge University, UK.
Advanced FIB sample preparation for high performance TEM analysis
Michél Simon-Najasek, Susanne Hübner, Frank Altmann, Christian Große, Roland
Salzer, Andreas Graff, Diagnostic of Semiconductor Technologies,
Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Halle, Germany.
Preparation on 3D interconnects
- FA work flow for shorted Cu/Sn-Cu Bondings
Jens Beyersdorfer, Frank Altmann,Christian Große, Susanne Hübner,
Michél Simon-Najasek, Andreas Graff,Diagnostic of Semiconductor Technologies,
Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Halle, Germany.
Fabrication of Nano Scale Single Crystalline Diamond Tools by Focused Ion Beam
Jining Sun, Xichun Luo, James Ritchie, and Wenlong Chang,
Heriot–Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.
Designing platinum features to mimic protein channels
Stefano Pagliara, Catalin Chimerel, Richard Langford, Dirk G.A. L. Aarts, Ulrich F. Keyser
Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge and Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, UK.
Site-specific Physical Failure Analysis of 3D Systems using “Plasma” FIB
Remco Geurts, P.D. Carleson, R.J. Young, R. Routh, C. Rue, G. Franz and L.F.Tz. Kwakman,
FEI Company.
Ion Beam Lithography
next generation nanofabrication
Lloyd Peto, Raith GmbH, Dortmund, Germany.
Anne Delobbe, Olivier Salord, Pierre Sudraud, Orsay Physics, France.
Material property characterization and modelling from FIB/SEM nanoscale 3D imaging
Daniel Lichau, V S G - Visualization Sciences Group, Bordeaux, France.
3D EDS and EBSD in the FIB-SEM
Christian Lang, Oxford Instruments, UK.
Full Thickness Silicon Circuit Edits Simplified using Real Time in- situ Optics
M. Antolik, R. Cumming, H. Tanaka, R. Jain, DCG Systems ; Donato DiDonato, Sector Technologies.
Reaching all angles - a new five-axis piezo substage
Andrew J. Smith, Andreas Rummel, Klaus Schock Stephan Kleindiek, Kleindiek Nanotechnik, Germany.
Improving the efficiency of circuit edit
David Donnet, Kimball Skinner, Surendra Madala, Chad Rue and Pete Carleson,
FEI Company.
- FIB Memory Invasive Fault Injection for software qualification
Maria Mazurek, Simon Brule, Thomas Zirilli, Freescale Semiconductor Toulouse ;
Hélène Chauvin, Vanessa Chazal, Fabien Battistella, Philippe Perdu, THALES / CNES ;
Didier Renard, Sector Technologies.
- FIB contribution for technological analysis : FIB channelling ion contrast and FIB-EBIC
Hélène Chauvin, Gérald Guibaud, THALES ; Moreno Floris, Guy Perez, Florie Mialhe, Philippe Perdu, CNES, Toulouse, France.
- FIB/SEM structural analysis of Through-Silicon-Vias (TSV)
Hugo Bender, Chris Drijbooms, Alex Radisic, imec, Leuven, Belgium.
The EFUG2011 meeting was kindly sponsored by : Carl-Zeiss, FEI, Kleindiek, OrsayPhysics, Oxford Instruments, Raith and VSG

Contact : European FIB Users Group