14th European FIB Users Group Meeting (EFUG2010)
Programme and presentations
Monday 11 October 2010, Gaeta, Italy.
Oral presentations
- FIB/SEM applications in life sciences
Andreas Schertl, Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany.
Non-Gallium Applications for Circuit Edit and Failure Analysis
Chad Rue, FEI, Hilsboro, US.
FIB/ESEM anc cryo-analysis of dentine
Rowan Leary, Nathan Topping, Jon Earle and Richard
Langford, University of Cambridge, UK.
Method for improving FIB prepared TEM samples by very low energy Ar+ ion mill polishing
Yaron Kauffmann, Tzipi Cohen-Hyams, Michael Kalina, Hila Sadan-Metlzman and Wayne D. Kaplan, Tecnion, Haifa, Israel.
FIB target preparation for 20 kV (S)TEM - A new method for obtaining ultra-thin lamellas
Lorenz Lechner, J. Biskupek, U. Kaiser, Ulm University, Germany.
FIB applications in Grenoble
Geoffroy Auvert, CEA, Grenoble, France.
SemGlu - A vacuum adhesive for nanoassembly and materials characterisation in FIB systems
Andrew Smith, Andreas Rummel, Stephan Kleindiek, Kleindiek Nanotechnik, Germany.
FIB production of shape memory alloy nano-gripper for FIB-application
V.V. Koledov, A.Irzhak, S.V. von Gratowski, V.G. Shavrov, D.Zakharov, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
Circuit edit through copper power plane with halogen
Lorenzo Motta, ST, Italy.
Image Processing, Quantification and Model Reconstruction in SEM/FIB - case studies
Daniel Lichau, Visualization Science Group, Bordeaux, France.
Structural analysis of through silicon vias (TSV)
Hugo Bender, Chris Drijbooms, Patricia Van Marcke, Jef Geypen, Olivier Richard, Paola Favia, IMEC, Belgium.
Focused Ion Beam electrode patterning for nanostructured material-based chemical gas sensor
Vera La Ferrara, B. Alfano, G. Fiorentino, M. Miglietta, E. Massera, T. Polichetti, G.Di Francia, ENEA, Italy.
- Nanoimprinted metallic probe demonstrators for electrical scanning probe microscopy: Manufacturing, characterization, and application
Joachim Jambreck, V. Yanev, H. Schmitt, M. Rommel, A. J. Bauer, L. Frey, Fraunhofer, Germany.
- FIB slicing and imaging of palaeopalynological remains: a 3D inside look into the past
A.Benedetti, J. Mendez, J. B. Diez, U. Villanueva-Amadoz, L. M. Sender, Universidad de Vijo, Spain.
- FIB for optoelectronics failure analysis
Gérald Guibaud, Hélène Chauvin, Vanessa Chazal, Guy Perez, Kevin Sanchez, Philippe Perdu, Thales and CNES, France.
- Direct determination of forward sputtering rates and redeposition for Focused Ion Beam milling
Markus Schinnerl, Bernhard Basnar, Alois Lugstein, Emmerich Bertagnolli, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
- Circuit edit through copper power plane with halogen
L. Motta, D DiDonato, STMicroelectronics and Sector Technologies.
- In-line, non destructive, and direct measurement performed by FIB in semiconductor manufacturing environments
F. Giarrizzo, S. Damigella, G. Mazzaglia and D. Mello, ST Microelectronics, Catania, Italy.
- Mixed technique for TEM sample preparation on device having SiC substrate
G. Anastasi, F. Giarrizzo and Domenico Mello
- Visualization Sciences Group
Daniel Lichau
The EFUG2010 meeting was kindly sponsored by : Carl-Zeiss, FEI and OrsayPhysics.

Contact : European FIB Users Group