13th European FIB Users Group Meeting (EFUG2009)
Programme and presentations
Monday 5 October 2009, Arcachon, France.
Oral presentations
- Ion beam interactions during FIBbing
Hugo Bender, IMEC, Belgium.
Lithography and deposition with a sub-nanometer focused helium beam
Paul Alkemade, Vadim Sidorkin, Emile van Veldhoven, Ping Chen, Emile van der Drift, Huub Salemink, Diederik Maas, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
Presentation Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3
Methods for Quantifying “Milling Acuity”
Chad Rue, FEI.
Mass filter FIB and Gallium free applications
B. Rasser, A. Delobbe, Orsay Physics, Fuveau, France.
Three-dimensional characterisation of dental tissue using FIB-SEM tomography
Rowan Leary, Rik Brydson, John Harrington and Jonathan Earl2, University of Leeds, 2GlaxoSmithKline Research, Surrey, UK.
Combination of FIB and Conventional Processes in Microelectronics
Tzipi Cohen-Hyams, Elad Peer, Uri Sivan and Wayne D. Kaplan, Technion, Haifa, Israel.
Novel Dielectric Etch Solution for FIB Circuit Edit: Application for Editing Memory Devices with Tungsten Metallization
Vladimir V. Makarov, Tiza Lab, LLC, Milpitas, CA , USA.
FIB processing of the NiTiCu shape memory alloy and Nanotweezers controllable operation in the environment of FIB device
A.Irzhak, V.Koledov, V. Shavrov, S. von Gratowski, D.Zakharov, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
Preparation of high quality nanopores for successful nanobiology experiments
E. Bourhis, J. Gierak, A. Oukhaled, A. Madouri, G. Patriarche, B. Schiedt, L. Auvray, LPN/CNRS, Marcoussis, France.
Accelerating sample throughput: The Shuttle Platform for Sample Preparation and Electrical Probing
Andrew J. Smith, Kleindiek Nanotechnik, Reutlingen, Germany.
- FIB analysis of biological material: practical aspects, useful tricks and assorted troubles
Alessandro Benedetti, University Vigo, Spain.
- FIB mold preparation for the Nanoimprinting-Lithography
K.R.G Karthik, University Cologne, Germany.
- In situ lift out of dental hard tissues
Jonathan Earl, GlaxoSmithKline Research, Surrey, UK.
- Ultramicroscopy at CRANN, TCD
Colm Faulkner, CRANN Microscopy Facilities.
- 3D reconstruction of dentine tubules using FIB-SEM tomography
Rowan Leary, University Leeds, UK.
- Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional FIB/SEM Imaging in Bone and Biomaterials
Janne Remes, Hannu Moilanen.
- FIB/SEM Applications in Life Science
Schertel, Andreas, Carl Zeiss, Germany.
- Design for Edit
Ted Lundquist, DCG Systems.
The EFUG2009 meeting was kindly sponsored by : Carl-Zeiss, DCG Systems and FEI.

Contact : European FIB Users Group