12th European FIB Users Group Meeting (EFUG2008)
Programme and presentations
Monday 29 September 2008, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Oral presentations
Review lecture
- EFUG: Back in Holland
H. Roberts, B. Otterloo, NXP Semiconductors, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Presentation (4656kB, Acrobat format).
Contributed presentations
Improvements in TEM lamella handling
S. Kleindiek and A. Rummel, Kleindiek Nanotechnik GmbH, Reutlingen, Germany.
FIB applications off the beaten path: TEM plan-view sample preparation using circuit-edit tools.
F. Voogt, NXP Semiconductors Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Presentation (5334kB, Acrobat format).
Backside Circuit Edit on Full-Thickness Silicon Devices
C. Rue, FEI Company, Hillsboro, Oregon, USA ; S. Herschbein, C. Scrudato, IBM Corporation, East Fishkill, NY, USA.
Presentation (2494kB, Acrobat format).
FIB Milling Applications for the New HyperionTM Ion Source
N. Smith, P. Tesch, N. Martin,
Oregon Physics LLC, Hillsboro, Oregon, USA ;
K. Filter, Semion, Hillsboro, Oregon, USA
; R. Boswell, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Presentation (5508kB, Acrobat format).
Ion Source Transmission electron microscopy sample preparation employing a "triple" beam instrument
D. Kraft, Carl Zeiss NTS Gmbh, Oberkochen, Germany.
Customization of Water-Vapour-Assisted FIB Milling on Diamond Technology
S. Magni, A.S. Campbell, E. Gregoryanz, School of Physics and Astronomy, Edinburgh, Great Britain.
Presentation (3202kB, Acrobat format).
Higher Resistivity Dielectric
V.V. Makarov, T. Malik, R. Jain, T. Lundquist, DCG Systems, USA.
Presentation (382kB, Acrobat format).
On the gallium accumulation at the boundaries of Al layers in FIB prepared TEM specimens
H. Bender, IMEC, Belgium.
Presentation (1670kB, Acrobat format).
Remarks on FIB edit and analysis requirements for 65nm IC technologies and below
C. Boit, Berlin University of Technology, Germany.
NanoDUE'T NB5000 for highspeed 3D failure analysis and TEM sample preparation
R. Schmidt, Hitachi High-Technologies Europe GmbH, Krefeld, Germany.
Best poster award
- New FIB Processing Concept for Nanocarbons
L.G. Lechner, Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University, Finland.
Poster (190kB, Acrobat format).
The EFUG2008 meeting was kindly sponsored by : Carl-Zeiss, DCG Systems, FEI, Hitachi and Kleindiek.

Contact : European FIB Users Group