11th European FIB Users Group Meeting (EFUG2007)
Programme and presentations
Monday 8 October 2007, Arcachon, France
Oral presentations
Overview lecture
- The Quest for Ultimate Patterning Tools and Techniques – Focused Ion Beams: Status Future Applications and New Ideas
Jacques Gierak, Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures, CNRS Marcoussis, France.
Presentation (4260kB, Acrobat format).
Nano and Micro Fabrication
FIB Milling of Photonic Nanostructures
Tim Thomay, University of Konstanz, Germany.
Presentation (1238kB, Acrobat format).
Multi Layer and Micro Graded Stress Analysis
Richard Langford, Xiaofeng Zhou, Christopher Gill, Joe Keller, Toby Ayers, Philip Withers, Materials Science Centre, Manchester University, UK.
Presentation (1826kB, Acrobat format).
Ion- and Electron Beam Induced Deposits of Pt, W, and Co: Composition, Volume per Dose and Electrical Transport Properties
A. Fernández-Pacheco a,b, R. Córdoba a, J. M. De Teresa b, M.R. Ibarra a, O. Montero a, a Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain; b Instituto de Ciencia de los Materiales de Aragón, Universidad de Zaragoza-CSIC, Facultad de Ciencias, Zaragoza, Spain.
Presentation (829kB, Acrobat format).
Repeatability for probing first metal layers from top surface - CMOS65nm technology
Didier Renard a Ted Lundquist a, Jean-Philippe Roux a, , Flore Persin b and Sylvain Crelerot b, a Credence Systems Corporation, USA, b ST microelectronics.
Presentation (2336kB, Acrobat format).
Nanoparticles in fibres and thin foils
Grazyna Mozdzen and F. Ruedenauer, ARC GmbH, A-2444 Seibersdorf, Functional Materials, Austria.
Devices and Circuits
Issues to Address for Improved Circuit Edit Productivity
Ted Lundquist, Credence Systems Corporation, USA.
Presentation (2646kB, Acrobat format).
Using SEMulator3D Software for Circuit Edit Work Planning
Chris Kennedy, Coventor, Cary, NC, USA.
Presentation (1933kB, Acrobat format).
EBIC Analysis on FIB Cross Sections
Bernd Volbert, Namitec, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
New FA Opportunities with Ultra Thin Silicon
R. Schlangen a, U Kerst a, C. Boit a, S. Schömann b, B. Krüger b, R. Jain c, T. Malik c, T. Lundquist c,
a Berlin University of Technology ; b Infineon Technologies, D-81739 Munich, Germany ; c Credence DCG, CA 94089-1139 Sunnyvale, USA
Presentation (1586kB, Acrobat format).
Low keV Applications for FIB Circuit Edit
Chad Rue, FEI Company, Hillsboro, Oregon, USA.
Sample Preparation, Instrumentation and Microscopy
Three Dimensional Analysis of Grain Boundaries using EBSD
Peter Gnauck a , Ulrike Zeile a and Ali Gholinia b, a Carl Zeiss NTS, b Oxford Instruments HKL.
Enhanced Ni and YSZ Contrast in the Presence of Simultaneous Electron and Ga Ion Beams
J. R. Bowen and J. Knudsen, Risø National Laboratory – DTU, Frederiksborgvej, Roskilde, Denmark.
FIBs and Soft materials
Marziale Milani, Materials Science Dept, University Milano, Milano, Italy.
Presentation (2580kB, Acrobat format).
Low Energy Ion Beam Preparation: Applications and Ga-Contamination
Lutz Hillmann, Uwe Mühle, Jens Steinhoff, Qimonda Dresden, Koenigsbruecker, Dresden, Germany
Presentation (1597kB, Acrobat format).
Innovative CrossBeam Applications in Semiconductor Industry
Heiko Stegmann, Carl Zeiss NTS GmbH, Innovation Lab Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
Presentation (3682kB, Acrobat format).
- Artefacts during e-beam deposition of Pt and W
Hugo Bender, IMEC, Belgium
Poster (1046kB, Acrobat format).
- Preparation of large area TEM lamellae in porous metal-ceramic fuel cells
J. R. Bowen, J. Knudsen and A. Hauch, Risø National Laboratory – DTU, Frederiksborgvej 399, 4000 Roskilde Denmark.
- Electrical characterization of low dose focused ion beam induced damage in silicon by scanning spreading resistance microscopy
S. Petersen a, S. Beuer a, V. Yanev a, M. Rommel a, A.J. Bauer a and H. Ryssel a,b,
a Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Systems and Device Technology (IISB), Schottkystrasse 10, 91058 Erlangen, Germany ; b Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Cauerstrasse 6, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
- FIB templates as masters for patterning PCL a biodegradable polymer for nerve regeneration
R. M. Langford, M. Sun, S. Downes, Materials Science Centre, Manchester University
- Circuit edit through dummies is easier with this new method
Nobile Matteo a, Motta Lorenzo a, Capitanio Emanuele a, Di Donato Donato b, a STMicroelectronics ; b Credence
- Focused ion beam analysis of YBa2Cu3O7-x coated conductors: growth and microstructure.
Tom Thersleff, IFW, Dresden, Germany
- Backside failure analysis in 65nm CMOS technology
Michele Mercier, ST Grenoble, France
- In situ FIB lamella and STEM nanoEDX on optical interferometric filter
Philippe Perdu a, Helene Chauvin b and Vanessa Chazal b,
a CNES, CNES, DCT/AQ/LE, CNES/ Thales Lab, Toulouse, France ; b Thales Security System, CNES, Thales Lab, Toulouse, France
- FIB cut and omniprobe work for MEMS failure analysis
Philippe Perdu a, Helene Chauvin b and Vanessa Chazal b,
a CNES, CNES, DCT/AQ/LE, CNES, Thales Lab, Toulouse, France ; b Thales Security System, CNES, Thales Lab, Toulouse, France
The EFUG2007 meeting was kindly sponsored by : Carl-Zeiss, Credence, FEI and Raith.

Contact : European FIB Users Group