18th European FIB Users Group Meeting (EFUG2014)
Program and presentations
Tuesday 30th September 2014, Berlin, Germany.
Presentations - Conference session
The conference contributions are published in Microelectronics Reliability 54 (2014).
Proceedings ESREF2014.
- Precise Nanofabrication with Multiple Ion Beams for Advanced Circuit Edit, (invited)
Huimeng Wu, David Ferranti, Lewis Stern.
Carl Zeiss LLC, Peabody MA, USA
Microelectron. Rel. 54 1779-1784 (2014).
- Advanced FIB sample preparation techniques for high resolution TEM investigations of HEMT structures
M. Simon-Najasek, S. Huebner, F. Altmann, A. Graff. Fraunhofer Institute Mechanics of Materials, Halle, Germany
Microelectron. Rel. 54 1785-1789 (2014).
- Local thickness and composition analysis of TEM lamellas in the FIB
C. Lang, M. Hiscock, M. Dawson, C. Hartfield. Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis, High Wycombe, UK
Microelectron. Rel. 54 1790-1793 (2014).
- Efficient and flexible Focused Ion Beam micromachining of Solid Immersion Lenses in various bulk semiconductor materials - an adaptive calibration algorithm
P. Scholz, N. Herfurth, M. Sadowski, T. Lundquist, U. Kerst, C. Boit. TUBerlin, Berlin, Germany
Microelectron. Rel. 54 1794-1797 (2014).
- Focused ion beam contact to non-volatile memory cells
Clemens Helfmeier, R. Schlangen, C. Boit. TUBerlin, Berlin, Germany
Microelectron. Rel. 54 1798-1801 (2014).
Presentations - Workshop session
- Problems and solutions when using FIB to prep nanostructures for TEM
Filip Lenrick, Lund University
- TEM Sample Preparation by Xe Plasma FIB
M. Viteau et al. OrsayPhysics
- Maximizing Circuit Edit Efficiency by Adding Nanoprobing Capability
Andreas Rummel et al, Kleindiek
- Extending Dualbeam Applications with the Helios PFIB
David Donnet, FEI
Poster session
- Low temperature FIB cross section: example on indium micro bumps
L. Dantas de Morais, S. Chevalliez, S. Mouleres
Microelectron. Rel. 54 1802-1805 (2014).
- Cross sectional sample preparation of nanowires for TEM analysis using FIB
Filip Lenrick, Lund University
- The pyramids inner secrets, FIB preparation of nano structures for TEM
Filip Lenrick, Lund University
Contact : European FIB Users Group